SiF Conferences

Rules for organizing a SiF Conference Bid form
The application deadline for the organization of SiF conferences
is one month before the previous conference


(click on the figures to access the proceedings)

14th International Conference on Structures in Fire SiF’26
Jointly organized by: Queen’s University & York University, Canada,
Venue: Kingston, Canada

19 to 22 May of 2026

13th International Conference on Structures in Fire SiF’24
University of Coimbra, Portugal
19 to 21 of June of 2024

Proceedings editors: Luís simões da Silva, Paulo Vila Real,
Aldina Santiago, Helder Craveiro, Luís Laím


12th International Conference on Structures in Fire SiF’22
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
30 November to 2 of December of 2022

Proceedings editors: Liming Jiang, Paulo Vila Real,
Xinyan Huang, Mhd Anwar Orabi, Jin Qiu, Tianwei Chu,
Zhuojun Nan, Cheng Chen, Zhiruoyu Wang,
Asif Usmani


11th International Conference on Structures in Fire SiF’20
The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
30 November to 2 of December of 2020

Proceedings editors: David Lange, Cristian Maluk, Kang Hai Tan, Dong Zhang, Yao Zhang, Julian Mendez Alvarez, Juan Hidalgo, Felix Wiesner, Martyn Mclaggan, Abdulrahman Zaben, WenxuanWu, Hangyu Xu

10th International Conference on Structures in Fire SiF’18
Ulster University, Belfast, United Kingdom
6 to 8 of June of 2018

Proceedings editors:
Ali Nadjai
Faris Ali
Jean-Marc Franssen
Olivier Vassart


9th International Conference on Structures in Fire SiF’16
Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
8 to 10 of June of 2016

Proceedings editors:
Maria Garlok
Venkatesh Kodur
8th International Conference on Structures in Fire SiF’14
Tongji University, Shanghai, China
11 to 13 of June of 2014

Proceedings editors:
Guo-Qiang Li
Venkatesh Kodur
Shou-Chao Jiang
Jiang Jiang
Su-Wen Chen
Guo-Biao Lou

7th International Conference on Structures in Fire SiF’12
ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland 
6 to 8 of June of 2012

Proceedings editors:
Mario Fontana
Andrea Frangi
Markus Knobloch
6th International Conference on Structures in Fire SiF’10
Michigan State University, East Lansing, United States of America
2 to 4 of June of 2010

Proceedings editors:
Venkatesh Kodur
Jean-Marc Franssen

Fifth International Conference Structures in Fire SiF’08
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
28 to 30 of May of 2008

Proceedings editors:
Kang Hai Tan
Venkatesh Kodur
Teng Hooi Tan


Fourth International Workshop Structures in Fire SiF’06
University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
10 to 12 of May of 2006

Proceedings editors:
Paulo Vila Real
Jean-Marc Franssen
Nuno Lopes


Third International Workshop Structures in Fire SiF 2004
National Research Center, Ottawa, Canada
10 to 11 of May of 2004

Proceedings editors:
J.M. Franssen
N. Benichou
V.R. Kodur
M.A. Sultan

Second International Workshop Structures in Fire SiF 02
University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
18 to 19 of March of 2002

Proceedings editors:
Peter Moss

First International Workshop - Structures in Fire
Danish Institute of Fire Technology, Copenhagen, Denmark
19 to 20 of June of 2000

Proceedings editors:
J.M. Franssen


Rules for organizing a SiF Conference Bid form
The application deadline for the organization of SiF conferences
is one month before the previous conference